backup your e-mails
Over 90% of the cyberattacks come through mail. the basic protection of the vendors isn't enough anymore.Depending on your requirements, business policies and needs, we implement our solutions in the cloud or on premise at your sites.
We care everything from planning, implementation, adaptions, training and management. A focus on the existing network integration.
ESGs , AI based filtering, backup and compliant archivation for SMTP, Microsoft 365 and Google Suite

full IT failure or a
do you know precise your recovery time from a full IT outage?
do you have a written disaster recovery plan which considers all dangers from natural catastrophes to cyberattacks, hardware or data loss?
is all your data backed up against all kind of dangers?
Don't be scared about this questions. Our missions is helping you to find the proper answers!

security appliances
network security appliances like next generation firewalls based on opnsense with optional management service, software defined network equipment.
data and backup security appliances for different backup scenarios to be installed in your sites on premise or in datacenter colocations
solutions for the small office till the datacenter enterprise appliance

Protect, Archive and Backup for SMTP, Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace
Data Backup in Cloud, On Premise with Mangement Consulting , Risk Analysis and Recovery Plan
Managed Security Gateways w Risk Analysis Network Segmentation and proper planning
Endpoint Security
Not just an AV, but users education, management and checks
How long time you need to restart your IT Infrastructure in case of a full outage?
no matter if by a hardware outage, fire, earthquake, ransomware attack, do you know how much time it takes to recover? do you have an action plan a recovery plan? did you audit all possible cases? Our approach starts by an audit based on our experience to find the optimal backup strategy against a ransomware attack. Besides that with help of not expensive open source technologies we have solutions to fastly save, snapshot and replicate your data also geographically, also offering private cloud solutions to backup your data not published to the internet. Just let's start with an audit.
first step in our solutions is to audit your existing solutions or if you know you’re safe check our backup services to be booked individually. Based on our audit we’ll step to a project
Based on our audit and analisys we’ll support you to build a crash plan to measure your recovery times, check redudancies and also a network segmentation to limit cyberattacks in included in our Backup Plan implimentations
We are aware you can buy storage and software everywhere, but we know not everybody knows to propery setup and configure the solutions. We will be happy to offer you manged solutions. Supporting you with monitoring and recovery tests.